April 3

Are You Doing This? | BJJ in Downingtown


There is one thing that about 90% of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) students neglect that could without question improve the rate of their progress. In BJJ, we are able to practice our moves at full-speed against actual resistance, which allows us to evaluate our strengths and weaknesses for real (not just in theory). But are you actually doing that?

The book “10 Minute Toughness” is a fantastic tool that provides the reader with a simple way to improve their performance in whatever sport they play. One of the best parts of the book is the “Success Log,” something any serious Jiu-Jitsu practioner should be doing after training sessions or competitions.

It’s 3 simple questions, but it’s absolutely critical to do it exactly as it asks:

  1. What are three (3) things I did well today?
  2. What is one thing that I need to improve?
  3. What will I do differently to make that improvement?

It’s not necessary to fill it out after every single training session, but at least once a week and always after a tournament. If you commit to doing this for even just 1 month you’ll see a difference, for sure.

For more information on training at Paramount (BJJ, Muay Thai, Boxing, MMA, Kids Classes) click HERE or call 610-269-1127 to find out about our 30 Day FREE Trial.


10 minute toughness, mental edge, notes, taking notes

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