May 14

How Belt Promotions Are Determined at Paramount BJJ


When it comes to belt promotions, it can be difficult to understand why you or a teammate was (or was not) promoted. There are many factors taken into consideration, and some variables are difficult to articulate. Here are Four Major Factors that head instructor Brad Court considers when it comes to promoting a student at Paramount BJJ:

  1. Skill Level. At each belt a student can be considered 1 of 4 levels: below average, average, above average, and world class.
  2. Physical Attributes or Limitations. Age, athleticism, disabilities are taken into consideration, among other things.
  3. Goals. Is the student training for fun? Self defense? To compete? To win a World Championship?
  4. Character. How a student conducts him or herself (both on and off the mat, inside and outside of the academy) matters.

The standard upon which the student is held depends primarily on these 4 criteria.

A student who is of above-average skill level at their belt rank, athletically gifted and is training daily with the realistic goal of winning a World Championship will be held to a different standard than the average student who is training for fun a couple times a week. There are countless variations and examples of different scenarios. The fact is that if everyone was held to the same standard some people would have no chance of becoming a black belt.

Before you question your instructors decision to promote, consider all of the above. If you are wondering what steps you can take to help you reach the next level, it is okay to ask. It is NOT okay to bad mouth your instructors decisions.


Belt Promotions, Promotions

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