April 17

Why Children NEED Martial Arts | Downingtown PA Kids Karate


Team Sports Won’t Help

Do NOT enroll your child in soccer, baseball, football or basketball if your goal is for them to build confidence, learn how to avoid peer pressure, learn respect and discipline, etc.

Don’t get me wrong, team sports offer many benefits, but they are exactly that- sports. The goal of the coach is not to instill values, but to teach the children how to better play their position. Many children will learn teamwork, and pick up some confidence on the way. But many will not.

At Paramount BJJ, our Life Skills program directly addresses the life skills that are crucial to a child’s development. Take a look:


“He was taking Karate, but he started kicking and punching his little brother…”

In Jiu-Jitsu, children learn how to defend themselves against bigger, stronger bullies. First by using verbal cues to dissuade the bully from continuing the behavior. Then, if absolutely necessary, by utilizing the techniques they’ve learned and practiced in class.

What’s different about these techniques? Unlike Karate and Taekwondo, we are not teaching children to punch and kick each other (children have a heard time understanding when its not OK, and we often have parents bring in their children and tell us things like, “He was taking Karate, but he started kicking and punching his little brother.”

The techniques in Jiu-Jitsu are grappling based, which means we teach positions and holds that allow the child to defend themselves without getting in trouble or hurting another child.

kids class bbc april 2013

Most Important of All

The most important thing we teach is real confidence. Why do I say “real confidence?” Because we don’t practice forms or punch and kick the air. Our children practice the moves on each other- since they’re not striking it’s not dangerous. Our children KNOW they can defend themselves if they need to.

For more information visit paramountbjjkids.com


BJJ, childrens martial arts, Confidence, kids karate, self-defense

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